Antisocial Personality Disorder
Antisocial Trait Characteristics
Disorder belongs to Group B: there is extroversion, amplified or unpredictable emotionality.
- Easily override the rights or feelings of others
- Tendency to abuse others for personal gain
- Impulsive, irresponsible and violent
- They do not tolerate frustration or respect rules
- Associated with drug addiction, promiscuity, infidelity, professional failure and criminality in general
- Related to sadistic personality, tendency to enjoy humiliation, suffering, fear and pain of others
- They seek to punish or dominate others
- Absence of guilt and remorse
* There may be a childhood history of petty theft or cruelty to animals and other children.
* In adolescence, alcohol or drug abuse and confrontations with authority may begin.
* It manifests itself around the age of 15 years, although for a doctor to make the diagnosis must have reached 18 years.
* When there is a special dangerousness and attraction for violent acts and crimes, we speak of psychopaths.
* The prevalence is 0.2 to 3.3% in the general population. It is more frequent in men.
👉 How to cope with a Personality Disorder
Source (in Spanish): Wenceslao Vial, Madurez psicológica y espiritual, Palabra.