True and false mystical phenomena
Extraordinary phenomena: in search of some answers Psychiatrist Massimo Bettetini explains the frequency of extraordinary phenomena, and how to distinguish real ones from pathological ones. How [...]
Christmas, Light for these days Historic Christmas is a source of peace. A tale of more than 2000 years continues to fill millions of people around the world with peace. The birth of a child is celebrated even by non-believers, as a source of peace. Could it be a mass psychological suggestion? How does Christmas […]
ow can we live our vocation feeling God’s closeness and the joy of self-giving? How can we passionately walk this path? Can what we are obliged to. do also make us feel fulfilled? How can we make our affections help us fall in love with God and not desire other loves that distract us? We […]
St. Josemaría on personality and character The help of the saints is worth it. To achieve happiness, one must strive to be a good person. And one’s own way of being can be modified. The most successful interpersonal relationships arise when one strives to improve one’s character. We are going to see how to improve […]
Let’s assume that there are people who are happy and proud of their consumption of pornography. Whether you are one of them, or whether you are among those who would like to give up a vice that entangles like a spider’s web and consumes body and soul, believers and non-believers alike, we suggest reading this […]
It’s moving to see a young passionate person. Even more if what they are passionate about is finding true love. Jesus met a young man like that. so much did he search for this true love that he ran and knelt before Jesus. What he asked is what he wanted with his whole heart. “ […]
Intimacy as your most valuable wealth What is the most valuable hidden wealth of the human being? His intimacy: it is not only his interiority, but his most precious core. And lovers always exchange that which is their most beautiful fortune: “I know that in your house you have a garden / to which you […]
This new article in the series Literature and Feelings deals with taste, will and desire, starting with Michael Ende’s The Neverending Story. Table of contents Between taste and will Freedom Beyond Taste and Desire in Michael Ende Thinking about what you want Discovering true will from desire The role of intelligence in desire and tastes […]
Communication is key for the good functioning of a work team, in companies, in the family, for mental health in general and in a special way for children. The idea for this article was given to me by many parents, first for signing up for the courses I give on this subject and mainly for […]
Morality in the Sexual Dimension Asghar Farhadi’s The Traveler won an Oscar for the best foreign language film in 2017. The plot begins with a stranger who sexually assaults the protagonist’s wife. When he is finally discovered and asked why he did it, he simply responds, “I fell into temptation” which is really an understatement […]
Mental and spiritual health care How to be positive and optimistic in the face of the unknow. Updated while waiting for a third winter: Will there be a new wave of coronaviruses? Uncertainty remains: Will a third or fourth or fifth… wave arrive? Will vaccination against new viral strains be effective? Vaccines are confirmed to […]
Our temperament shapes the way we look at reality The human person is a mystery. Little by little, anthropology and psychology are revealing aspects that were previously undeveloped. Temperament and character knowledge is important in formation work. Complete with Online Temperament Test Download pdf Temperament and character have been spoken of since classical antiquity as […]
Flying free into the light One day, that you may remember, the darkness closed your mind. It was perhaps in your childhood, or when it awakened in you an enigmatic desire for new pleasure. Your body seemed suitable for everything, you were flying in the wind and you felt good. Why did you stop feeling the same after […]
Extraordinary phenomena: in search of some answers Psychiatrist Massimo Bettetini explains the frequency of extraordinary phenomena, and how to distinguish real ones from pathological ones. How [...]