True and false mystical phenomena
Extraordinary phenomena: in search of some answers Psychiatrist Massimo Bettetini explains the frequency of extraordinary phenomena, and how to distinguish real ones from pathological ones. How [...]
Bibliography and references
A path of conversion and holiness For the Christian, joy is not only an option, it is a duty. The Apostle Paul says it emphatically: “Rejoice in the Lord always; I tell you again, rejoice always” (Phil 4:4). This is not mere advice, but a command. Table of contents Achieving perfect joy All on the […]
How to understand those who cannot be understood The book Surrounded by Idiots, by Thomas Erikson, is an excellent aid to understanding – and making oneself understood – by the people we work with. It deals with professional work, but its ideas can easily be applied to other areas of life: family, charities, associations, etc. […]
Towards a path of dialogue on the question of Gender theory in Education Male and female he created them is an article from the Congregation for Catholic Eduaction. The importance of Facts. If they tell you that an apple is a banana, don’t believe it. That’s how a well-known news company has announced itself. Dialogue […]
A review of the book Psychology of a Vocation, by the Rector of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland, Rev. Msgr. Andrew R. Baker, STD. As rector of the largest Catholic seminary in the country, I have the humble mission of accompanying many young men as they discern and respond to a vocation to the […]
Reception of Wenceslao Vial’s book in Brazil The book Psychological and Spiritual Maturity (Madurez Psicológica y Espiritual), by Wenceslao Vial, has been translated into Portuguese. It was published in Brazil by Editorial Cultor de Livros, as one of the books that make up the new Crisol Collection. Crucible (Crisol in Portuguese), which gives its name […]
A book on Christian vocation and its psychological dimension The book Psychology of a Vocation provides men and women with vocations in the Church, especially within vocations that embrace celibacy, the necessary theory and practical advice to avoid the potential pitfalls of living the Christian vocation in the modern world. Fr. Wenceslao Vial combines his […]
Updated biography of John B. Torelló Barenys (Joan Baptista). He was born in Barcelona on November 7, 1920, and died in Vienna on August 15, 2011. Torelló was a Spanish Catholic priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei, theologian, neurologist, psychiatrist, writer and poet. Throughout his life, he adapted his name to the country he […]
Websites that are helpful to stop wathing pornography. We have also published some videos on how to quit pornography, as well as several articles that have reached thousands of views in a short time. We mention among them: How and why to quit pornography, a practical and theoretical script; Four steps to quit pornography: an […]
Common concepts in Psychological and Spiritual Maturity This Glossary of Psychology and Spiritual life will help those who wish to deepen their understanding of these two dimensions. In the main psychological symptoms, we add links to a more detailed explanation of these disorders. Translated from: Madurez psicológica y espiritual, Palabra, Madrid, 2019 (4ª) A B C […]
How to build a happy personality This book Be Who You Are: Developing Your Christian Personality, is about how to improve one’s personality, self-esteem and virtue. Several authors from different disciplines, such as doctors, philosophers, theologians and educators, participate in the book. Wenceslao Vial is the editor. Following models that bring us closer to our […]
The good effects of healthy spirituality Preventing anxiety and depression with faith, is possible? Am I responsible for the way I am? Can one get out of depression? How does one overcome anxiety? Are their ways to overcome addiction to drugs or the internet? What can a family do for a member with mental issues? […]
First chapter of the book, The Adventure of Love Sex Education Pornography and Religion are the topics of the first chapter of a book in Spanish: La aventura del amor (The Adventure of Love). Is now available for downloading. Chapter authors: Pablo Requena and Wenceslao Vial. A few decades ago there was little talk of […]
Psychology and spiritual life: understanding what is being talked about A Glossary on Psychological and Spiritual Maturity is much needed, given the wide variety of opinions in psychology. It provides brief answers to a variety of questions. What is anxiety? Am I sad or depressed? Sometimes questions come from a consultation with a specialist: The […]
Human Dignity, Palliative Care and Euthanasia A good death is the fruit of a good life. I was like you… Pray for me. This phrase, which I read in a graveyard on the island of Chiloé, can be life-changing. Every November we are reminded that human life ends. In his new book, La buena muerte, […]
Is it worth telling the truth? Dr. Fernando Sarráis explains a key to human maturity: to live according to what each and every one of us is. Knowing and loving the truth fills existence with authentic meaning. Knowing and satisfying human needs. Human beings have faculties – physical and mental – that help them to […]
Sex Education, Pornography and Religion The first chapter of the book, La Aventura del Amor, is available for downloading. Chapter authors: Pablo Requena and Wenceslao Vial A few decades ago there was little talk of sex in the school environment, and nothing on gender. The only reference to gender that appeared in classrooms was in relation […]
Extraordinary phenomena: in search of some answers Psychiatrist Massimo Bettetini explains the frequency of extraordinary phenomena, and how to distinguish real ones from pathological ones. How [...]