Unveiling Schizophrenia
We present the first article published by John B. Torelló in issue 3 of the journal Studi Cattolici, with the title “Will Schizophrenia be unveiled?”. See glossary for definition of [...]
We present the first article published by John B. Torelló in issue 3 of the journal Studi Cattolici, with the title “Will Schizophrenia be unveiled?”. See glossary for definition of [...]
Understanding the meaning of physical and psychological suffering The spiritual accompaniment of the sick is an art, like all spiritual direction, with major challenges. In this article or [...]
Last 2nd September marked the 26th anniversary of the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl, well known throughout the world for being the creator of the third Viennese school of psychiatry, [...]
Frankl: The Contribution of Man’s Search for Meaning to our Time Viktor E. Frankl is well known today as a psychiatrist and philosopher. Frankl was born into a Jewish family in Vienna on March [...]
Reception of Wenceslao Vial’s book in Brazil The book Psychological and Spiritual Maturity (Madurez Psicológica y Espiritual), by Wenceslao Vial, has been translated into Portuguese. It was [...]
Happy life without the slavery of pornography Watching pornography harms the body and mind. Abandoning Pornography in Four Steps presents a practical way to cut out this dark, joy-sapping vice or [...]
Research Group in Psychology and Spiritual Life The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross has received as a donation the personal archive Professor Joan Baptista Torelló. At the same university [...]