Prayer: Sonnet of the Clean Gaze
A Good Gaze Brings Great Blessings A bad gaze can lead to crimes. With our sight, we contemplate beauty. Through our vision, the brain and heart are filled with images that influence our [...]
A Good Gaze Brings Great Blessings A bad gaze can lead to crimes. With our sight, we contemplate beauty. Through our vision, the brain and heart are filled with images that influence our [...]
Let’s assume that there are people who are happy and proud of their consumption of pornography. Whether you are one of them, or whether you are among those who would like to give up a vice that [...]
Contemporary culture influences the perception of celibacy in many different ways. In this first article of a series, we will give a glimpse of some approaches. Although some elements contribute [...]
Pornography on your Brain, Heart and World Harmful effects of pornography are One of the problems is that pornography may seem harmless, but when a person is careless, it bites like a viper. [...]
Towards a path of dialogue on the question of Gender theory in Education Male and female he created them is an article from the Congregation for Catholic Eduaction. The importance of Facts. If [...]
Frankl: The Contribution of Man’s Search for Meaning to our Time Viktor E. Frankl is well known today as a psychiatrist and philosopher. Frankl was born into a Jewish family in Vienna on March [...]
Happy life without the slavery of pornography Watching pornography harms the body and mind. Abandoning Pornography in Four Steps presents a practical way to cut out this dark, joy-sapping vice or [...]
Happy life without the slavery of pornography Watching pornography harms the body and mind. Abandoning Pornography in Four Steps presents a practical way to cut out this dark, joy-sapping vice or [...]