The perfect Joy
A path of conversion and holiness For the Christian, joy is not only an option, it is a duty. The Apostle Paul says it emphatically: “Rejoice in the Lord always; I tell you again, rejoice [...]
A path of conversion and holiness For the Christian, joy is not only an option, it is a duty. The Apostle Paul says it emphatically: “Rejoice in the Lord always; I tell you again, rejoice [...]
Christmas, Light for these days Historic Christmas is a source of peace. A tale of more than 2000 years continues to fill millions of people around the world with peace. The birth of a child is [...]
A Good Gaze Brings Great Blessings A bad gaze can lead to crimes. With our sight, we contemplate beauty. Through our vision, the brain and heart are filled with images that influence our [...]
ow can we live our vocation feeling God’s closeness and the joy of self-giving? How can we passionately walk this path? Can what we are obliged to. do also make us feel fulfilled? How can we make [...]
St. Josemaría on personality and character The help of the saints is worth it. To achieve happiness, one must strive to be a good person. And one’s own way of being can be modified. The [...]
Introduction to psychological wounds Overcoming Psychological wounds, definition and causes. In two articles we will enter the world of psychological wounds, with the aim of getting to know them [...]
Good Humor and Holiness, Prayer attributed to Thomas More (London, 1478-1535) Thomas More was a saint whose good humor stood out, and perhaps that is why he is credited with this well-known [...]
Extraordinary phenomena: in search of some answers Psychiatrist Massimo Bettetini explains the frequency of extraordinary phenomena, and how to distinguish real ones from pathological ones. How [...]