Living Celibacy in Love: truth or utopia?
Jesus wants each of us to reach the fullness of life They will receive “a hundredfold” in this life, and then eternal happiness[1] is Jesus’ promise to those who have followed [...]
Jesus wants each of us to reach the fullness of life They will receive “a hundredfold” in this life, and then eternal happiness[1] is Jesus’ promise to those who have followed [...]
It’s moving to see a young passionate person. Even more if what they are passionate about is finding true love. Jesus met a young man like that. so much did he search for this true love [...]
Medicine’s defeat in euthanasia, triumph in vaccination Do euthanasia, suicide and vaccination have anything in common? In my early years as a medical student, a professor told us: [...]
Contemporary culture influences the perception of celibacy in many different ways. In this first article of a series, we will give a glimpse of some approaches. Although some elements contribute [...]
The beatitudes as the identity of the Christian This Christian identity card can be downloaded and filled out with your name, date and place of baptism, as another means to remember who we are [...]
Spiritual and Psychological Self-diagnostic Test This examination of conscience links the beatitudes, the key to Christian life, to the three pillars that guarantee psychological stability: [...]
Extraordinary phenomena: in search of some answers Psychiatrist Massimo Bettetini explains the frequency of extraordinary phenomena, and how to distinguish real ones from pathological ones. How [...]