Sanguine temperament

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The sanguine person is spontaneous

The person with a sanguine temperament lives from his relationship with people, and seems perhaps smiling and friendly. Like the other inherited temperaments, it has its good side and its more complex side. A sanguine person can brighten the life of others and shine or not. On this temperament it is possible to build a harmonious personality, with strong and lasting traits, or to let it crumble little by little by not taking care of it, by not persevering. This is also why it is so important to know one’s strengths and weaknesses. In this way, it is easier to see the virtues that should be especially encouraged.

Strong points of the sanguine temperament:

  • He loves people, he wants to make them happy.
  • He is friendly, compassionate, communicative.
  • He is an entrepreneur, he loves adventure.
  • His external senses are always awake: he notices all the details.

Weak points of the sanguine temperament:

  • You have poor control of your external senses (hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch).
  • Fun is a very important aspect of their motivation.
  • It tends to superficiality and instability.
  • He is attracted to everything new.
  • He wants to please, and that everyone loves him.

🔎 The sanguine needs above all resistance

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