Celibacy: an attractive way of life
‘A hundredfold’ in this life, and then eternal happiness. This is the promise Jesus makes in the Gospel to those who leave everything to follow Him exclusively, giving Him their whole [...]
‘A hundredfold’ in this life, and then eternal happiness. This is the promise Jesus makes in the Gospel to those who leave everything to follow Him exclusively, giving Him their whole [...]
Frankl: The Contribution of Man’s Search for Meaning to our Time Viktor E. Frankl is well known today as a psychiatrist and philosopher. Frankl was born into a Jewish family in Vienna on March [...]
The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the [...]
What can lead to being attracted to the same sex? What is a desire? How do desires develop in people? We offer some answers in this video with English subtitles.
The largest medical-scientific Review in Sexuality and Gender The Mayer Report on Sexuality and Gender It does not include moral or philosophical considerations. They present the [...]
Sex education from Christian anthropology We offer part of chapter VI of the document on human sexuality of the Pontifical Council for the Family, highlighting some ideas. The complete reading of [...]
Flying free into the light One day, that you may remember, the darkness closed your mind. It was perhaps in your childhood, or when it awakened in you an enigmatic desire for new pleasure. Your [...]