Temperament Test

TAKE THE TEST (4 minutes)

Discover your temperament or natural and innate way of being

The biological substrate of personality is what we inherit. It is not possible to know exactly how that base was with which the adventure of our way of being began, but we can get closer to it, through this temperament test, designed with questions to be answered in a few minutes. Once taken, you will know better how you are and why.

Your temperament is a gift worth knowing

The knowledge of your of your way of being with this temperament test, will help you become an attractive and happy personality. On the foundation of biological temperament, you build spiritual character (the virtues).

Since Hypocrates and Galen we know there are 4 temperaments, which are related to the “humors”: black bile (melancholic), yellow bile (choleric), phlegm (phlegmatic) and blood (sanguine). The Greeks were not mistaken about the existence of the 4 temperaments, although they were wrong about their origin (the theory of humors).

You can click on each icon of the different temperaments to see their characteristics. We encourage you to do so, before or after taking the test.

Discover here the characteristics of each temperament with a click:

Click on each icon before or after the test

If, after taking the test, you think you possess all of the four temperaments, you have confused your first reaction (what you want to do), which is the result of temperament, with your second reaction (what you actually do), which is the result of temperament and character.

TAKE THIS TEST (It takes 4 minutes) 

The Rotter scale will help you know if you trust yourself too much, or too little. You will see your tendency to responsibility.

You can also take the personality test

With this free online test, you will see your tendency to a personality disorder and how to correct it.

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