True and false mystical phenomena
Extraordinary phenomena: in search of some answers Psychiatrist Massimo Bettetini explains the frequency of extraordinary phenomena, and how to distinguish real ones from pathological ones. How [...]
On Saturday, April 5, 2025, in Rome, on the initiative of the Joan Baptista Torelló Research Group, a Meeting of Mental Health Professionals will be held on the occasion of the Jubilee of the Sick and the World of Health. It will be held from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., at the Pontifical University of […]
A path of conversion and holiness For the Christian, joy is not only an option, it is a duty. The Apostle Paul says it emphatically: “Rejoice in the Lord always; I tell you again, rejoice always” (Phil 4:4). This is not mere advice, but a command. Table of contents Achieving perfect joy All on the […]
Christmas, Light for these days Historic Christmas is a source of peace. A tale of more than 2000 years continues to fill millions of people around the world with peace. The birth of a child is celebrated even by non-believers, as a source of peace. Could it be a mass psychological suggestion? How does Christmas […]
A Good Gaze Brings Great Blessings A bad gaze can lead to crimes. With our sight, we contemplate beauty. Through our vision, the brain and heart are filled with images that influence our decisions and actions. Our eyes are windows to our inner world, through which good or evil enters. King David, distracted and bored, […]
How to understand those who cannot be understood The book Surrounded by Idiots, by Thomas Erikson, is an excellent aid to understanding – and making oneself understood – by the people we work with. It deals with professional work, but its ideas can easily be applied to other areas of life: family, charities, associations, etc. […]
ow can we live our vocation feeling God’s closeness and the joy of self-giving? How can we passionately walk this path? Can what we are obliged to. do also make us feel fulfilled? How can we make our affections help us fall in love with God and not desire other loves that distract us? We […]
St. Josemaría on personality and character The help of the saints is worth it. To achieve happiness, one must strive to be a good person. And one’s own way of being can be modified. The most successful interpersonal relationships arise when one strives to improve one’s character. We are going to see how to improve […]
Introduction to psychological wounds Overcoming Psychological wounds, definition and causes. In two articles we will enter the world of psychological wounds, with the aim of getting to know them better and helping to overcome them. We hope that these ideas will be useful at different levels. Knowing oneself better favors a more serene life and […]
Let’s assume that there are people who are happy and proud of their consumption of pornography. Whether you are one of them, or whether you are among those who would like to give up a vice that entangles like a spider’s web and consumes body and soul, believers and non-believers alike, we suggest reading this […]
Good Humor and Holiness, Prayer attributed to Thomas More (London, 1478-1535) Thomas More was a saint whose good humor stood out, and perhaps that is why he is credited with this well-known prayer: «Give me, Lord, a good digestion and, naturally, give me something to digest. Give me the health of the body and the […]
Jesus wants each of us to reach the fullness of life They will receive “a hundredfold” in this life, and then eternal happiness[1] is Jesus’ promise to those who have followed him closely with an exclusive vocation. They will not receive that hundredfold in just any way, but they will receive it in their affections, […]
It’s moving to see a young passionate person. Even more if what they are passionate about is finding true love. Jesus met a young man like that. so much did he search for this true love that he ran and knelt before Jesus. What he asked is what he wanted with his whole heart. “ […]
Intimacy as your most valuable wealth What is the most valuable hidden wealth of the human being? His intimacy: it is not only his interiority, but his most precious core. And lovers always exchange that which is their most beautiful fortune: “I know that in your house you have a garden / to which you […]
This new article in the series Literature and Feelings deals with taste, will and desire, starting with Michael Ende’s The Neverending Story. Table of contents Between taste and will Freedom Beyond Taste and Desire in Michael Ende Thinking about what you want Discovering true will from desire The role of intelligence in desire and tastes […]
Communication is key for the good functioning of a work team, in companies, in the family, for mental health in general and in a special way for children. The idea for this article was given to me by many parents, first for signing up for the courses I give on this subject and mainly for […]
Medicine’s defeat in euthanasia, triumph in vaccination Do euthanasia, suicide and vaccination have anything in common? In my early years as a medical student, a professor told us: “You treat people, not wounds”. Since then I have always remembered that the sick have a special dignity. That dignity has been trampled upon by some. Table […]
Contemporary culture influences the perception of celibacy in many different ways. In this first article of a series, we will give a glimpse of some approaches. Although some elements contribute to the fact that this vocation today encounters a certain cultural incomprehension, this is at the same time an opportunity to get more deeply to […]
Literature, this time with Ivan Ilyich, teaches us once again that life is worth living. The experience of the last epidemic that has struck the whole world and that still continues to plague us has allowed us to think about many things: many that we thought were important and necessary, and were not, and others […]
We started a series of articles to help prevent mental health from childhood, in the family, where receiving and giving affection is key. Table of contents: prevent with affection from childhood Prevention and secure attachment for mental health in childhood Affection in the family from the earliest years. What does it mean to love? The […]
The beatitudes as the identity of the Christian This Christian identity card can be downloaded and filled out with your name, date and place of baptism, as another means to remember who we are called to be. Each beatitude is manifested into attitudes They all stand out in the life of Jesus and Christians seek […]
TAKE THE TEST (4 minutes) Discover your temperament or natural and innate way of being The biological substrate of personality is what we inherit. It is not possible to know exactly how that base was with which the adventure of our way of being began, but we can get closer to it, through this temperament […]
Course on Emotional regulation of the spiritual companion, organized by the Research Group in in Psychology and Christian Spiritual Life Joan Baptista Torelló . Presentation of the course: Emotional regulation Spiritual accompaniment on the Christian life is a baptismal charism which, as Pope Francis has recalled several times, can be exercised by both priests and […]
Spiritual and Psychological Self-diagnostic Test This examination of conscience links the beatitudes, the key to Christian life, to the three pillars that guarantee psychological stability: identity, autonomy, and self-esteem. That is why we also called it a self-diagnostic test. The greatest guarantee for getting it right is to ask God for light and grace.
Pornography on your Brain, Heart and World Harmful effects of pornography are One of the problems is that pornography may seem harmless, but when a person is careless, it bites like a viper. There are many harmful effects of pornography. The poison of pornography violently enters the spiritual immune system, so to speak, and gradually takes […]
Towards a path of dialogue on the question of Gender theory in Education Male and female he created them is an article from the Congregation for Catholic Eduaction. The importance of Facts. If they tell you that an apple is a banana, don’t believe it. That’s how a well-known news company has announced itself. Dialogue […]
Psychology and Christian life: anxiety, depression and burnout Anxiety and nervousness. Sadness and depression. Professional stress or burnout. Knowing these symptoms, which affect many people, is essential. Prevention strategies for anxiety, depression and burnout are offered, for an effective care of psychic and spiritual health. There are many strategies to prevent mental disorders from stress, […]
Extraordinary phenomena: in search of some answers Psychiatrist Massimo Bettetini explains the frequency of extraordinary phenomena, and how to distinguish real ones from pathological ones. How frequent and true are extraordinary mystical phenomena? To answer this question, a certain amount of psychotherapeutic experience may be useful in the search for a discernment that knows how to distinguish […]
Psychopedagogue Inmaculada Lluch Inmaculada Lluch Baixauli has a degree in Geography and History and in Pedagogy, Public University of Valencia. Extraordinary award. Master in developmental, psychopathological, psychoeducational and social aspects of adolescence. University of Valencia. Expert in ADHD. Expert in educational guidance and different learning disorders. Expert in Motivational Interviewing: member of the Spanish Working […]
A phenomenological and psychological approach Mystery of death helps to live with joy. November is a good time to remember. Ever since death came into the world, it has been a cause for concern but also for hope. It has always been frightening because it indicates a limit, an insuperable and invincible pass. For this […]
Living and teaching the adventure of loving and being loved Formation of affectivity for the adventure of loving and being loved. Learning to love in order to be in tune with God, with others and with the world. Having a compass to love. Chapter from the book Loving and teaching others to love. Paul O’Callaghan, an […]
We present the first article published by John B. Torelló in issue 3 of the journal Studi Cattolici, with the title “Will Schizophrenia be unveiled?”. See glossary for definition of schizophrenia. As part of the cataloguing studies of Torelló’s personal archive, many of the nearly fifty articles he wrote for the journal Catholic Studies were […]
‘A hundredfold’ in this life, and then eternal happiness. This is the promise Jesus makes in the Gospel to those who leave everything to follow Him exclusively, giving Him their whole heart. Is celibacy an attractive way of life? A ‘hundredfold’, this is the answer of Jesus to so many who received the gift of […]
Understanding the meaning of physical and psychological suffering The spiritual accompaniment of the sick is an art, like all spiritual direction, with major challenges. In this article or script, different themes are developed to better understand depression, anxiety, psychiatric illnesses, but also the normal ailments that affect us until the end of our days.
Last 2nd September marked the 26th anniversary of the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl, well known throughout the world for being the creator of the third Viennese school of psychiatry, Logotherapy. Religion was not a distant topic for Frankl, and his thoughts can shed an interesting light on it. Within the studies being carried out […]
Frankl: The Contribution of Man’s Search for Meaning to our Time Viktor E. Frankl is well known today as a psychiatrist and philosopher. Frankl was born into a Jewish family in Vienna on March 26, 1905, and died in the same city on September 2, 1997. His most widely published book is Man’s Search for […]
A review of the book Psychology of a Vocation, by the Rector of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland, Rev. Msgr. Andrew R. Baker, STD. As rector of the largest Catholic seminary in the country, I have the humble mission of accompanying many young men as they discern and respond to a vocation to the […]
Rebirth from a vocational crisis New birth from the vocational crisis is the theme of this tenth article in the One Hundred for One series on celibacy. Starting a vocational path is an adventure. There is much to discover and the awareness that difficult times may arise. One of the most frequent fears when undertaking […]
Reception of Wenceslao Vial’s book in Brazil The book Psychological and Spiritual Maturity (Madurez Psicológica y Espiritual), by Wenceslao Vial, has been translated into Portuguese. It was published in Brazil by Editorial Cultor de Livros, as one of the books that make up the new Crisol Collection. Crucible (Crisol in Portuguese), which gives its name […]
Historian and researcher José María López-Barajas José María López-Barajas was born in Oviedo, Spain, in 1966. He holds a degree in Geography and History from the University of Navarra (Spain, 1989). He is currently pursuing a Licentiate in Spiritual Theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. From 1990 to 2022 he […]
Happy life without the slavery of pornography Watching pornography harms the body and mind. Abandoning Pornography in Four Steps presents a practical way to cut out this dark, joy-sapping vice or addiction. Download text and infographic in PDF Download infographic image in JPG View and download infographic in VSG Pornography affects the mental health of […]
Research Group in Psychology and Spiritual Life The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross has received as a donation the personal archive Professor Joan Baptista Torelló. At the same university a research group has been set up a Research Group in Psychology and Spiritual Life, which is named after him. Torelló was a professor in […]
A book on Christian vocation and its psychological dimension The book Psychology of a Vocation provides men and women with vocations in the Church, especially within vocations that embrace celibacy, the necessary theory and practical advice to avoid the potential pitfalls of living the Christian vocation in the modern world. Fr. Wenceslao Vial combines his […]
Updated biography of John B. Torelló Barenys (Joan Baptista). He was born in Barcelona on November 7, 1920, and died in Vienna on August 15, 2011. Torelló was a Spanish Catholic priest of the Prelature of Opus Dei, theologian, neurologist, psychiatrist, writer and poet. Throughout his life, he adapted his name to the country he […]
Benefits and challenges of Christian celibacy Reflections on the amazing psychology of celibacy of priests, religious and lay people. An experience of more than two thousand years and thousands of people. Psychology of celibacy in the Catholic Church.
Let’s look at some criteria for Christian vocational discernment. A few days ago, I was walking through Rome, I was dressed as a priest, and I was stopped by two young men, who were both covered with tattoos and piercings. They wanted to have their picture taken. Table of contents: criteria for vocational discernment 1. […]
Websites that are helpful to stop wathing pornography. We have also published some videos on how to quit pornography, as well as several articles that have reached thousands of views in a short time. We mention among them: How and why to quit pornography, a practical and theoretical script; Four steps to quit pornography: an […]
Marijuana, benefits and risks Marijuana love and health, includes in the title something that this drug cannot provide. The access to marijuana nowadays has been accelerated in an unprecedented way. There are more and more blogs and YouTube channels dedicated to offering news and advice for its cultivation and consumption.
Burnout, as a form of depression, in pastoral or ministerial work. 20 minutes video. The International Classification of Diseases, has included burnout as an occupational phenomenon, but not as a medical diagnosis. Let’s go for a while to the time of Jesus living on earth. The disciples of our Lord where happy to give themselves […]
How to assess the usefulness of yoga and mindfulness What is the usefulness and goodness of mindfulness and yoga for the Christian life? Are these Eastern techniques a source of lasting peace in society and in the individual? Yoga, mindfulness and other forms of Eastern meditation are practices that have grown and produce fascination, surprise and admiration; […]
Understanding and coping with sleep problems Sleeping problems are very frequent. Insomnia is difficulty falling or staying asleep, or waking up early. The person may not be aware of not having slept, but wakes up feeling tired. In general, insomnia is a symptom or manifestation of other difficulties, and not a disease in itself. About […]
Common concepts in Psychological and Spiritual Maturity This Glossary of Psychology and Spiritual life will help those who wish to deepen their understanding of these two dimensions. In the main psychological symptoms, we add links to a more detailed explanation of these disorders. Translated from: Madurez psicológica y espiritual, Palabra, Madrid, 2019 (4ª) A B C […]
Working in a group is not just about efficiency Learning to work as a team is very important. We remind some keys to forming a good team, which allows to make decisions and push forward a common project with a shared sense of purpose. They can be applied to a family, the governing council of […]
Mental health and emotionality in times of coronavirus Covid, as it is known, has changed lives and affected young people’s emotional health. Shortly before writing these lines, a young teacher asked me for help and advice because a 16-year-old student of his class had come very close to taking his own life. After a long […]
Including emotions in prayer with God Role of affection in prayer is very important, because prayer is an activity that involves all the faculties of the person. These faculties are: intelligence, will, imagination, feelings? The emotions also play an important role in the life of prayer, but how can we integrate them harmoniously in our […]
Dealing with depression with optimism Depression affects almost 15% of the world’s population. The recent pandemic has increased the frequency of depressions. It is key to know what to say and what not to say to a suffering person The first step is prevention, followed by a good diagnosis. See also useful advice for the spiritual accompanniment […]
Discover Your Personality Type to Improve Personality is the way of being and acting, that defines us in front of ourselves and others. You can discover it with this free personality test online. This personality self-test helps to discover less positive traits, to face them with optimism and preserve mental health, as explained below. The boundary […]
The path to happiness: forgive, forgive yourself and forget To ‘purify the memory’ is a felicitous expression of the theologian Jutta Burggraf and is a fundamental process in the quest for happiness. A poor memory can be a good ally of happiness, especially if one forgets negative memories; although this is not easy, as negative […]
How to build a happy personality This book Be Who You Are: Developing Your Christian Personality, is about how to improve one’s personality, self-esteem and virtue. Several authors from different disciplines, such as doctors, philosophers, theologians and educators, participate in the book. Wenceslao Vial is the editor. Following models that bring us closer to our […]
Helping people with psychological wounds As we said in the first part of the guide, we hope that these lines will help us to recognize and better understand our own way of being and that of others. We are not determined, but numerous events of the past leave their mark, for instance, some moments of rejection […]
Mania is an abnormal mood state with excessively elevated and expansive, euphoric mood tone, tendency to talk rapidly, psychomotor excitement, hyper-evaluation of oneself and one’s own abilities, leading to dispersion in many interests, unwarranted optimism and undertaking numerous initiatives. Mania is a clinical sign opposite to depression and the key symptom in bipolar disorder. Bipolar […]
Personality and Spiritual Life in 14 minutes videos 14 minute videos about personality, sexuality and spiritual life. It deals with gender ideology, hormone treatments and sex change interventions. What is the medical way to deal with these situations? Only the fourth video has English subtitles. Wenceslao Vial 1. Mi carácter y yo Am I responsible […]
Characteristics of internalist people according to Rotter: Internalist people according to Rotter are dominated by the conviction that they are the ones who control their own actions, their entire agenda of activities, and the consequences of what they do (internal control). Tendency to attribute failure to a lack of ability, low intelligence, lack of physical […]
Characteristics of externalist people Externalists according to Rotter think that the “control” or causes of what happens depend fundamentally on factors external to them, such as fate and good or bad luck. They tend to consider that their behavior has nothing to do with results or rewards. They attribute their failures to others, are more […]
The term psychosis includes mental disorders in which there is a profound fracture or loss of contact with reality, which prevents the person from an adequate assessment of the real world. The two fundamental symptoms are delusions and hallucinations. Delusion is an alteration of the content of thought, consisting of the formulation of erroneous ideas […]
Addiction or dependence is the urgent need for a substance (alcohol, drugs); or to perform a certain behavior (behavioral addictions such as gambling or pornography, or internet addiction), leading to unrestrained consumption and loss of freedom. Addiction is a reflection of an inner emptiness that one wishes to fill. It can be a lack of […]
Obsession is an alteration of the content of thought The thinking of an obsessive person is invaded by irrational and repetitive ideas, perceived by the subject as his own but absurd or exaggerated. The content of obsessions is varied: ideas of being contaminated, of having sinned, of having to check if the light is off […]
Depression and burnout are an alteration of the mood Depression is a mood disturbance. It is an illness characterized by symptoms such as low mood, loss of interest and initiative, psychomotor slowness, pessimism, indeciviness, feelings of guilt and others. Depression differs from normal sadness in that it is too intense, goes beyond what would be expected, […]
Anxiety is an unpleasant and painful emotional state, with a feeling of uneasiness and threat to one’s physical or moral integrity. It is presented together with insecurity, perplexity, fear before a real or imaginary danger. It is often accompanied by physiological changes similar to those caused by fear: sweating, tachycardia, difficulty breathing. It can occur […]
Male and female complementarity Javier Vidal-Quadras I remember, when my children were young, a friend, who only had daughters, saying to me, “From time to time, I will borrow some of your boys for my girls to know in a natural way the difference between men and women.” I am talking about very […]
Morality in the Sexual Dimension Asghar Farhadi’s The Traveler won an Oscar for the best foreign language film in 2017. The plot begins with a stranger who sexually assaults the protagonist’s wife. When he is finally discovered and asked why he did it, he simply responds, “I fell into temptation” which is really an understatement […]
Healthy interest in self-knowledge and self-improvement Temperament test published in 2 new languages With the translations into Portuguese and German, we now have 7 languages. In less than a year of online life, the test has been completed by more than 130,000 people. Below are some graphs showing the results in the various languages. The worldwide interest in this temperament test is a reflection […]
The good effects of healthy spirituality Preventing anxiety and depression with faith, is possible? Am I responsible for the way I am? Can one get out of depression? How does one overcome anxiety? Are their ways to overcome addiction to drugs or the internet? What can a family do for a member with mental issues? […]
When they saw the star, they were overjoyed (Matthew 2:10) Stars are used to distinguish the quality of hotels. Stars are used to reward good restaurants. Stars, from one to five, are used to rate books, all kinds of purchases and services, and people. For centuries stars have been associated with magnificent events, with memorable […]
Educating the sexual dimension to be happier We offer part of chapter VII of the document on human sexuality of the pontifical council for the family. Some ideas are highlighted for easier reading. Anyone who wishes to know and face the theme of sexuality, from a Christian anthropology, will find it very useful to read the whole […]
Coronavirus and the post-pandemic world: a new War Not long ago we wondered whether the coronavirus would change the world for the better. Now, with a new war raging in the heart of Europe, with Russia and Ukraine engaged in a bloody conflict, the answer is clearer: only good people improve our common home. Having […]
Resources to educate in the virtue that humanizes sexuality Bibliographic suggestions and other resources for sexual education, according to the age of the persons. We point out some useful books, web pages and documentaries to favor maturity in the sexual dimension. Living sexuality humanely will always be a current issue, essential to achieve a happy and […]
Tenet and our longing for God Christopher Nolan’s film Tenet, analyzed in its psycho-spiritual dimension, shows a human aspiration. We will not tell the details of the story, which each one has to discover. Outline of the plot and scientific foundations of Tenet Tenet’s action revolves around a disturbing threat to humanity, one that transcends […]
First chapter of the book, The Adventure of Love Sex Education Pornography and Religion are the topics of the first chapter of a book in Spanish: La aventura del amor (The Adventure of Love). Is now available for downloading. Chapter authors: Pablo Requena and Wenceslao Vial. A few decades ago there was little talk of […]
Mental and spiritual health care How to be positive and optimistic in the face of the unknow. Updated while waiting for a third winter: Will there be a new wave of coronaviruses? Uncertainty remains: Will a third or fourth or fifth… wave arrive? Will vaccination against new viral strains be effective? Vaccines are confirmed to […]
Psychology and spiritual life: understanding what is being talked about A Glossary on Psychological and Spiritual Maturity is much needed, given the wide variety of opinions in psychology. It provides brief answers to a variety of questions. What is anxiety? Am I sad or depressed? Sometimes questions come from a consultation with a specialist: The […]
(Watch this video on YouTube) The Father effect. Forgiving your own Father Parents are not born knowing how to help their children grow. Many psychological wounds can be due to difficulties in the relationship with parents. This video provides useful testimonies and tips to understand what 15 minute trailer. The key is forgiveness. In […]
Building a good and happy personal life By Iván López Casanova There is a certain idea gaining currency that, in one’s personal life and especially in the education of children, the achievement of virtue – the ‘good operating habits’ described by classical philosophy – is essential. See Original Spanish Version We each have […]
Avoidant Trait Characteristics Avoidant Disorder belongs to Cluster C: introversion and fear are prominent. Hypersensitivity to rejection Fear of novelty, both in actions and in interpersonal relationships Fear of failure, disappointment, embarrassment or humiliation Socially inhibited, shy and reluctant to confide confidences Afraid of speaking in public or being in any way the […]
How to be faithful in love Building antibodies against infidelity is key. On several occasions, I have received references from studies on the health benefits of fidelity and mutual love. But the truth is, whether out of scepticism or lack of interest, I have never paid much attention to them. However, about a month ago, […]
My wife noticed the mess of a canister filled with paddle tennis balls with the lid off… and she closed it… By Javier Vidal-Quadras Last Sunday I went to play paddle tennis. I opened a jar of new balls and it started to rain. We finished the match, the result of which I don’t […]
How to mature and become good people We present Christian maturity in a psychological-spiritual perspective, as a pyramid of three blocks or three binomials, which are built, mysteriously, in a simultaneous manner. It is an itinerary in three dimensions, which we will explain after the infographic: Identity / Faith Autonomy / Hope Self-esteem / Charity What is […]
Identity for spiritual accompaniment Accompanying someone in their spiritual growth and self-awareness is exciting and difficult. In this article, we will cover some spiritual and psychological aspect, linked to that process. In another article we dealt with the emotional dimension of human and spiritual formation. We will consider the context of personal spiritual accompaniment, in which the ABC’s of “emergency […]
The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality. 1. Human sexuality is an objective biological binary trait: “XY” and “XX” are genetic markers of health – not […]
What can lead to being attracted to the same sex? What is a desire? How do desires develop in people? We offer some answers in this video with English subtitles.
Spiritual accompaniment of the heart In the first half of this article we set out the ABC’s of spiritual guidance, and focused on the identity that sustains a person. Let’s now look at that inner world that is so often agitated and prevents us from breathing calmly: The world of emotions or “affectivity” How can we put affectivity in harmony […]
Faith and Hope of Thomas More, Patron Saint of Politicians We offer an original prayer of St. Thomas More, to pray for peace. The battle that achieves peace is the struggle of each person within himself, to think of others. The rulers who recognize and abandon their self-centeredness truly serve. Imprisoned in the Tower of […]
Being happy looking for the meaning of life From an interview with Emily Esfahani, conducted by Zuberoa Marcos, journalist and PhD in biology. See the original post and Video in Spanish Among the most important philosophers in the author’s life, according to her words, are Aristotle, of whom she says: “he seems to have said […]
Human Dignity, Palliative Care and Euthanasia A good death is the fruit of a good life. I was like you… Pray for me. This phrase, which I read in a graveyard on the island of Chiloé, can be life-changing. Every November we are reminded that human life ends. In his new book, La buena muerte, […]
The desire for pleasure taken to the extreme It is often said that the sexual revolution began in the second half of the 20th century. Much of the theory underlying it was already written, however, and not only by Freud. At the beginning of the 20th century, various changes in customs were promoted in order […]
Tips for listening and understanding Everyone has a deep longing to be understood, valued and appreciated. When dealing with another person, what we say to them may not interest them at all. However, it is unlikely that they are indifferent to feeling understood. Original article in Spanish Download the infographic and text in PDF Download […]
Faith Lived with Coherence Improves Health Faith is not medicine, but there are many reasons why it is useful for health: more precisely, for the unity of the different dimensions of the person. Faith gives light to intelligence, to grasp more easily what is good and bad, what is virtue or vice, the value of temperance. Interview […]
Is it possible to find any good in the pandemic? God is far too great for us to be able to judge his actions, but we can get some insights from what we know of Him. Original article in Spanish The pandemic brings to light our “false securities”. Without considering it a punishment, […]
A bishop tells of his experience of suffering from depression Most Rev. James D. Conley, Bishop of Lincoln, joined Dr. James Link, a Catholic clinical psychologist via Zoom, to discuss the relationship between Catholic spirituality and psychology. In December 2019, Bishop Conley requested time away in order to seek assistance in dealing with anxiety […]
Coaching Young People to Use Their Freedom Well Conference (speaker Dr. Karen Bohlin, 48 min) In our beautiful, diverse, and tumultuous world, there is remarkable consensus about the strengths of character we admire in others and strive to develop in ourselves. We value habits of mind that allow us to pursue professional and academic excellence […]
TAKE THE TEST (5 MINUTES) Rotter’s scale and responsability Do you master your life and surf any wave? or do you always seem to sink because of bad luck? Rotter test: know your character and responsibility, to know more about yourself. The usual answer would be “it depends”, admitting that we are not in control of […]
Dynamic Maturity and Personal Growth The name Cultivating humanity groups five challenges that arise in family life and society, divided into sub-themes. Exploring each of them makes it easier to learn about and find the content we offer: 1. Developing a Christian personality 2. Body and heart 3. Healthy Psyche 4. Friendship and the relational […]
How and why to live with joy Christian celibacy (40 minutes of class and 10 minutes of questions) In this video, Wenceslao Vial discusses the psychological and spiritual challenges of a lifestyle that continues to attract. Voir poste et sous-titres en français See post and English subtitles Click on the titles to watch from the […]
Our temperament shapes the way we look at reality The human person is a mystery. Little by little, anthropology and psychology are revealing aspects that were previously undeveloped. Temperament and character knowledge is important in formation work. Complete with Online Temperament Test Download pdf Temperament and character have been spoken of since classical antiquity as […]
Young people threatened by social networks and Internet Expert in youth education explains, from his daily experience, how to improve mental health in a world of screens. Chema Camean (Vanallinna Hariduskolleegium, Tallinn) I have been working as a teacher for almost 20 years and have noticed that, in the last 10 years, children and young people […]
Manias are like Limpets that Stick to our Lives and it is Hard to get Rid of Them By Javier Vidal-Quadras This morning I had a double surprise: I went into the kitchen and found the last teenage son we have left living at home – oh, dear, what will we do when […]
The first for the husband is his wife…and vice versa By Javier Vidal-Quadras When we talk about fidelity, sexual infidelity immediately comes to mind. However, fidelity goes much further. I like to talk more about loyalty, which is a preference for the loved one, choosing him or her every day and putting him or her above […]
The largest medical-scientific Review in Sexuality and Gender The Mayer Report on Sexuality and Gender It does not include moral or philosophical considerations. They present the scientific data, with particular attention to children and adolescents: scientists confirm that in this group, most of those who report attractions to the same sex will not experience it […]
Arvo Pärt and rebirth of the spirit Music is the most immaterial of the arts. For a long time, it was not even written down. It seems to disappear with the last echo of the final note. Is that not a reflection of our life? Music easily touches the spirit and responds to or queries […]
Sex education from Christian anthropology We offer part of chapter VI of the document on human sexuality of the Pontifical Council for the Family, highlighting some ideas. The complete reading of the document, with abundant notes, is a basis for understanding the theme of sexuality, from an adequate anthropological point of view.
Is it worth telling the truth? Dr. Fernando Sarráis explains a key to human maturity: to live according to what each and every one of us is. Knowing and loving the truth fills existence with authentic meaning. Knowing and satisfying human needs. Human beings have faculties – physical and mental – that help them to […]
Flying free into the light One day, that you may remember, the darkness closed your mind. It was perhaps in your childhood, or when it awakened in you an enigmatic desire for new pleasure. Your body seemed suitable for everything, you were flying in the wind and you felt good. Why did you stop feeling the same after […]
We have become experts in health issues Never before has so much attention been paid to physical health as in our times. Original article in Spanish At what other time have the young, and not-so-young, become as determined to achieve a good physique as now? It is surprising to see 15-year-old boys and […]
Love Talks: IFFD congress in the year of the family On June 4-5, 2022, the First IFFD (International Federation for Family Development) World Congress will take place online. The IFFD is an NGO whose mission is to help families around the world regardless of race, color, religion, sex or origin. The title chosen, Love Talks, seems very appropriate for the […]
A workbook on self-leadership Description of the book Personal & Career Development. This workbook will help readers identify their strengths, interests, and priorities to take ownership of their life and career decisions. The authors provide a framework to reflect on several questions that are becoming increasingly important among the 21st-century leaders—how to create an authentic leadership style, define […]
Sex Education, Pornography and Religion The first chapter of the book, La Aventura del Amor, is available for downloading. Chapter authors: Pablo Requena and Wenceslao Vial A few decades ago there was little talk of sex in the school environment, and nothing on gender. The only reference to gender that appeared in classrooms was in relation […]
The melancholic temperament The person with melancholic temperament is deep and revolves around the idea. Like all temperaments, is a gift received. On these inherited characteristics it is possible to develop a better character every day, which fosters good self-esteem and a kind life with others. Strengths of the melancholic temperament: He is inclined to […]
The choleric is energetic The peron with choleric temperament is action oriented. Allows for great conquests or disappointments. With this inherited way of being one can build a happy personality that gives peace to others, or become a burden to oneself and others. It is useful to know one’s strengths and weaknesses, and the virtues […]
The phlegmatic is restrained The person with a phlegmatic temperament seeks peace above all. Can be a burden or an impulse for a happy life. It is possible to brighten the lives of others or to make them suffer. To suffer ourselves and to make others suffer… With this way of being it is possible […]
The sanguine person is spontaneous The person with a sanguine temperament lives from his relationship with people, and seems perhaps smiling and friendly. Like the other inherited temperaments, it has its good side and its more complex side. A sanguine person can brighten the life of others and shine or not. On this temperament it […]
Schizoid Trait Characteristics Schizoid Disorder belongs to Cluster A: rarity and eccentricity stand out. Little emotional expressiveness Introversion Solitary, tendency to withdraw Cold and distant Detachment in social relations without special subjective suffering Absorbed by their thoughts and sensations Fear of friendship and intimacy, not because of exaggerated shyness, but because of a […]
Schizotypal Trait Characteristics Schizotypal disorder belongs to Cluster A: rarity and eccentricity stand out. Cognitive or perceptual disturbances: magical thinking, distrust or paranoid ideation. Significant difficulty in establishing close interpersonal relationships Deficiency in expressing affectivity Social isolation * It has some relationship with schizophrenia. * May have symptoms similar to schizophrenic illness, but milder; usually […]
Narcissistic Trait Characteristics Narcissistic Disorder belongs to Cluster B: there is extroversion, amplified or unpredictable emotionality. They seek and need to be admired Unrealistic and grandiose idea of themselves Lack of empathy Megalomania or exaggerated sense of superiority Believe themselves to be special or unique Contempt for others Extreme sensitivity to criticism or […]
Histrionic Trait Characteristics Histrionic disorder belongs to Cluster B: there is extroversion, amplified or unpredictable emotionality. Artificial and theatrical Exuberant, changeable, childish and superficial emotionality Exaggerated attention-seeking Frivolous interpersonal relationships React badly and are unhappy if they are not the center of attention Seductive and provocative Desire for dependence and protection hidden behind […]
Borderline Trait Characteristics Borderline disorder belongs to Cluster B: there is extroversion, amplified or unpredictable emotionality. Instability of self-image Variations in mood, affect, behavior and interpersonal relationships Severe self-esteem deficit Marked impulsivity in behaviors Ambivalence in feelings towards self and others Frequent fluctuations: joy-sadness, love-hate, serenity-anger Depression and anger alternate Drastic changes in the […]
Antisocial Trait Characteristics Disorder belongs to Group B: there is extroversion, amplified or unpredictable emotionality. Easily override the rights or feelings of others Tendency to abuse others for personal gain Impulsive, irresponsible and violent They do not tolerate frustration or respect rules Associated with drug addiction, promiscuity, infidelity, professional failure and criminality in general […]
Paranoid Trait Characteristics Paranoid disorder belongs to Cluster A: rarity and eccentricity stand out. Ideas of persecution Jealousy Coldness and distance in interpersonal relationships High degree of suspicion in the face of changes of situation They see hostile and malevolent motives in the behavior of others Displeasure with themselves leads them to react […]
Obsessive-compulsive or Ananchastic Trait Characteristics Anankastic Disorder belongs to Cluster C: introversion and fear are prominent. Too inflexible Excessive perfectionism Rigidity Insecurity and anxiety Excessive preoccupation with order and control behaviors (wanting to control everything) Attachment to work and neglect of free time and friendships Difficulty adapting and making decisions They hate mistakes […]
Dependent Trait Characteristics Dependent Disorder belongs to Cluster C: introversion and fear are prominent. Pathological need to be cared for Intense suffering due to relational difficulties They place the responsibility for their lives on others. Insecure about their abilities and unable to make decisions Fear of offending the people they depend on […]
Prof. Rafael Ruiz Rafael Ruiz. Associate Professor of American History at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP).
Prof. Francisco Insa Born in Seville in 1975. Degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Extremadura (Spain, 1999); Psychiatrist (2004). Licentiate (2008) and doctorate (2010) in Moral Theology from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome). Secretary of the Center for Priestly Formation (2016) and professor of Moral Theology (2017) at the […]
Born in 1991. He is a medical doctor from the Austral University, Argentina. He has a degree in Theology from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome. He was ordained priest in September 2020. He is currently assistant professor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. He focuses his research in […]
Prof. Wenceslao Vial Mena Professor of Psychology and Spiritual Life at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, in Rome. Medical Doctor (Universidad de Chile) and catholic priest; PhD in Philosophy (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross). He combines his experience of clinical practice and his academic activity with a wide […]
Extraordinary phenomena: in search of some answers Psychiatrist Massimo Bettetini explains the frequency of extraordinary phenomena, and how to distinguish real ones from pathological ones. How [...]