Personality Test Online

Discover Your Personality Type to Improve

Personality is the way of being and acting, that defines us in front of ourselves and others. You can discover it with this free personality test online.

This personality self-test helps to discover less positive traits, to face them with optimism and preserve mental health, as explained below. The boundary between “normality” and abnormality of personality is still related today to Kurt Schneider’s 1923 phrase:

Persons with an anomalous way of being “suffer and make others suffer”.

The sooner we become aware of our way of being, the easier it will be to overcome our shortcomings.

«To change is a little bit to accept / to accept is a little bit to change»

(It takes 7 minutes)

There are 10 types of disorders, or personality disorders, described by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). They are divided into 3 Clusters.

In personality disorders there is a certain existential emptiness or absence of meaning in life, which is reflected outwardly, sometimes as a caricature.

Before or after the test

View the characteristics of each disorder with a click:

Cluster A: extravagance prevails

Cluster B: extroversion, amplified or unpredictable emotivism

Cluster C: anxiety and fear prevail

👉Coping with Personality Disorders

You will find what you can do if the personality disorder test has given you a high value.

Those who suffer from a personality disorder often do not realize it. It is important to let oneself be helped and to trust others in order to improve one’s self-knowledge. Seeing the different degrees of difficulties illuminates personal progress.

A high score on some traits does not mean that there is a personality disorder. Nor does a normal result completely exclude a character disorder. The diagnosis is not made with a test, but with a medical interview.

Personality disorders are considered psychic illnesses and not simply difficulties in the way of being. They are formed over the years, but usually appear in adolescence. It is not always easy, even for specialists, to arrive at a clear diagnosis; and it is not uncommon for the same person to have more than one disorder. Numerous mental illnesses emerge from them, as if from a culture medium.

When faced with an altered test, it will be good to consider, with the opinion of others, whether it is advisable to see a doctor or a psychologist. It is more important to seek specialized help if subjective suffering is noted because of the way of being, although it may not occur, precisely because of the disorder.

Disorders cause pain to others

In addition to individual suffering, disorders cause pain to others. If some people in the family, work or friendship environment draw attention to certain less positive characteristics of the way of being, it is worth paying more attention to them.

When a diagnosis of personality disorder is made by a specialist, it is necessary to be guided with patience and docility. Since personality is formed from birth and before, a change cannot be expected overnight. Years of frequent and regular psychotherapy are usually required.

Established personality disorders are difficult to treat and require the intervention of physicians, psychotherapists and psychologists.

😃 Recognizing that you need help is essential for growth: you can get better!

In many cases remarkable changes are achieved. It is important to channel the altered trait or traits early and understand the underlying thoughts.

According to cognitive psychotherapy, in people with personality disorders there is a conviction or thought linked to an attitude that leads to a wrong strategy or behavior, as shown in the following table

Table with personality disorders

DisorderBasic conviction / AttitudeStrattegy / Behavior
DependentI am helplessAttachment
AvoidantI could get hurtAvoidance
Passiv-aggressiveI could be controlledResistance
ParanoidPeople are dangerousCaution and precaution
NarcissisticI am specialSelf-exaltation
HistrionicI need to impressDramaticity
Obsessive-compulsiveI mustn’t make mistakesPerfectionism
AntisocialOthers are to be despisedAttacking
SchizoidI need a lot of spaceIsolation

Source: Madurez psicológca y espiritual, p. 158; cf. A.T. Beck, A. Freeman, D. Davis, Cognitive Therapy of personality disorders.

More actions to prevent personality disorders:

  • Take care of family environment
  • Provide consistent signals to young people
  • Attention to social problems
  • Enriching spiritual life

Resources and convictions that stimulate freedom and responsibility:

  • New attitude to one’s own and others’ way of being.
  • To remove the egocentrism
  • Life and every circumstance has meaning
  • Each person possesses unique and unrepeatable dignity
  • We are called to live in relationship with others
  • Love moves us to sacrifice
  • It is worthwhile to search for transcendence and to contemplate
  • If you are a believer there is a God who loves me and loves others
  • This God sees, listens and forgives
  • Keep in mind that personality disorders even alter religiosity
* Remember that personality has an inherited basis, which should be known

To learn more: Wenceslao Vial, Madurez psicológica y espiritual, Palabra, chapters IV y V.

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Be Who You Are, developing your christian personality, book written by Wenceslao Vial (editor)Hacer un auto-test o examen de conciencia con las benaventuranzas del evangelio, discernir la propia vocación cristiana con las bienaventuranzas